The 5 Best Desk Plants Brighten your Workspace

Money Plant

The Money Plant is a representation of wealth and fortune. Your desk plant promotes positivity and success at work. The NASA recommends it so that you can remain healthy and alert at work.

Snake Plant

The snake plant, also known as dracaena, is a hardy plant. Different snake plants vary in size, but they are all suitable for offices.

Jade Plant

Anybody looking for a tiny office desk plant in India might consider the jade plant. These adorable plants release energy and don't require much upkeep.


In your office, rosemary is a great protective plant. The plant has lovely purple blossoms. A high concentration of antioxidants also makes it a good anti-disease food.


Who can resist the heart-shaped leaves of the pothos plant? The pothos is the finest plant for the task if you have shelves or a place to hang a plant in your office.